Monday, March 2, 2009


This post will focus on the importance of social relationships for people with disabilities. After high school, maintaining social relationships require more investment work. Most people believe that humans are very sociable beings. At the same time, many would be surprised to learn that some people may not have the same range of friends, family, and acquaintances. There are degrees of closeness or intimacy across relationships. Several factors involve the development and maintenance of relationships. The following five characteristics may pose a challenge for people with disabilities:
  • opportunity
  • diversity
  • continuity
  • relationships that are freely chosen and given
  • intimacy
This link provides an excellent explanation of SOCIAL RELATIONS.
Ability Quest Inc. is a new non-profit social organization for adults with physical disabilities in Atlanta. They offer monthly activities that increase social interaction that improves and enhances the social skills of individuals.
Disabled Adults Social Activities Foundation Inc. helps to address and meet the social needs of disabled adults by providing a common meeting place and arranging social events where the individual can be given an opportunity to seek out social interactions with their peers.
Modern communication technologies can make social relationships accessible despite distance. The following sites are actual dating sites that specialize in dating for persons with disabilities. The first, Disability Dating Club, is an online dating site with members from, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Europe; membership is free. The second, Disabled Dating Info, provides sensitivity information for dating persons with disabilities. My favorite tabs are Dating Advice, First Date, and Dating Tips.

1 comment:

  1. Social interaction is very important for individuals with disabilities. Social interaction allows them to form beneficial relationships and to gain a feeling of self worth and belonging. I was most surprised to find out that there was such a thing as the Disability Dating Club. While I feel that this could provide an individual with disabilities to find someone to share their life with. However, I can't help but wonder about the safety issue. It is known that individuals with disabilities can be taken advantage of and can be vulnerable to harm. I hope this would never happen but realistically it does. The Ability Quest site offered many great ideas for any community to reproduce for their citizens with disabilities. It's great to know that there are so many resources that help provide the needed social interaction for individuals with disabilities.
